Money, money, money, money!

 Some people got to have it . . .   Like the Center for Open Source Radio, which is running a fund drive after rather suddenly losing its core university support. Its appeal says:   “We’re an independent, non-profit production company, and it has been no small challenge to try to replace half a million […]

The Fifth Estate comes to EveryBlock

    “We are moving to a Fifth Estate where everyone is able to pool their knowledge, share experience and expertise, and speak truth to power,” said Chris Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced Cheek-sent-me-hi), director of MIT’s Computing Culture Research Group. He will lead a $5 million effort to “to test and investigate civic media in local communities.” […]

Not another damn product idea!

Over breakfast with a Silicon Valley software guy the other day I heard this lament: “Everybody thinks they’re a product manager,” he said, holding up one arm. “I’ve got a list of product ideas this long.”   Perhaps its a regional thing. In Los Angeles everybody has a screenplay. In New York everybody has a […]

‘New Voices’ wanted; also NewsU may want you?

I meant to blog this sooner but better late than never . . . The New Voices grants, which are administered through the University of Maryland’s J-Lab, are “helping to fund . . .  micro-local news projects with $12,000 grants and help foster their sustainability through $5,000 second-year matching grants. But there isn’t much time to apply! The deadline is […]

I’ll see you in the talking papers?

If newspapers die, at least they’ll go down experimenting. That was the message I took away from a Sunday afternoon lecture at UC Berkeley’s New Media program. Four print veterans from the Ventura County Star talked about their foray into multimedia storytelling — and how on peak days they can get three times the number of […]

Oct. 15 deadline for $5 million for local media

 Knight 21st Century News Challenge (info) There’s nothing like a deadline to focus the mind and as I sit down this Saturday morning to put in my bid for a piece of this pie, let me pass on one last reminder from  Knight Foundation communications director Marc Fest: “The Knight News Challenge contest awards $5 million for innovative media […]

Citizen journalism’s mother lode?

The Knight Citizen News Network, aka, debuted this week with a stellar list of contributors and an impressive compilation of resources. If you’re doing independent media by all means check it out. is an outgrowth of J-Lab, a University of Maryland project that has focused on the how-to aspect of grassroots media. The […]