Some people got to have it . . .
Like the Center for Open Source Radio, which is running a fund drive after rather suddenly losing its core university support. Its appeal says:
“We’re an independent, non-profit production company, and it has been no small challenge to try to replace half a million dollars a year in six months. We’ve made some progress — a grant from the MacArthur Foundation, not least . . . We need your help to keep this community alive.”
Here is an introduction to the group, and a place to go to help.
Some people are giving it away . . .
Like the Knight Brothers Foundation, perhaps the premier philanthropic group in media or at least in the slice thereof that is mutating out of the newspaper industry. The group is gearing up to give away another $5 million through its 21st Century News Challenge and will begin accepting applications July 1. Read an interview with Gary Kebbel, the Knight official in charge of the contest. I have written a half-dozen posts that mention aspects of the contest, and the first entry, The (Good) Knight Challenge makes the essential point about the sort of ideas they want to fund: they are locally oriented and use new technologies to involve the audience. Good luck!
And other people give away less money, but we’d love some anyway . . ., a new media instigation and training outfit at the University of Maryland that is itself funded by the Knight Foundation, is giving away smaller grants in the $10,000 to $15,000 range through the Knight-Batten Awards for Innovation in Journalism. That link will take you to the entry rules — deadline is June 13!