Frontiers of media literacy


The new media literates? An article by Reuters reporter Gavin Haycock explores how “unprecedented change in media and technology (have) given teenagers and kids an advantage in forecasting what products will appeal to consumers.” Haycock, who apparently covers advertising for the news agency, writes:


Younger people spend more time online than watching television, have access to millions of on-demand content channels and are fueling a boom in video gaming, an industry that is bigger in terms of sales than Hollywood’s box office. As some media executives note, who needs Hollywood when almost every teenager carries a personalized film studio in a phone in their back pocket?

Thanks to DeepCuz for this trendspotting.


Teaching print dogs video tricks: Pardon me if I gush but I was wowed by this brief video tutorial written by Poynter Institute commentator Regina McCombs who shares tips from four editors on the “issue that cuts across all forms of storytelling: finding the right pace for each story.”


Some tidbits from the tutorial (many of these observations are from the editors McCombs interviewed):


  • “in video editing, the moment you glean the important information, it’s time to move on to the next shot;”

  • “we dream in dissolves, we think in cuts . . . the way it applies in storytelling, the point of editing, is the juxtaposing of one idea to the next. A cut is the cleanest, most direct, most powerful juxtaposition possible . . . cuts make pieces feel more urgent . . and more experiential, because people watching it are in their awake mind.”

  • “introduce audio before you switch to the picture . . . The importance of sound is to bring the viewer a much more intimate sense of reality, to take the viewer where we went.”