Getting down to business

Decision makers value business to business media and trade shows, according to a Center for Media Research distillation of a report by Harris Interactive. “Executives report they are more engaged/involved with B2B media than with general business magazines, television and newspapers,” according to the report. Here is a link to the full report. In a related item, ClickZ reports on a Nielsen survey in June that shows the relative fortunes of B2B advertising versus a range of competing niches.

Putting the “new” back into newspapers: The Bivings Report, a Washington, D.C. group that occiasionally works for the Republican Party, has pubished an analysis of the new media experiments being undertaken by the 100 largest U.S. newspapers. The report finds that by and large publishers are adopting blogs, video blogs and to a lesser extent podcasts as extensions of their publishing methods.

I came across the survey while checking out Pamela Mahoney’s Personal Bee site which referenced a snippet from Steve (Micro Persuasion) Rubel. Rubel put his own spin on the findings saying “these (newspaper) blogs may not be doing much to help newspaper Web sites attract younger readers.” At the risk of being labeled a wishful thinker, I’d prefer to hold off on such defeatist speculation.

Pay to play. If you share my sentiment that people should get paid for generating content, you’ll enjoy this sarcastic remark by the Progress & Freedom Foundation’s IPCentral blog, reacting to a decision by one user-generated site to start compentating regular contributors: “We can’t have an amateur-to-amateur culture if the amateurs are paid! Then they’re no longer amateurs!”